Handy Auto Services provide a wide range of car servicing, repairs and maintenance services so please check out what we offer.
Handy Auto Services provide a wide range of car servicing, repairs and maintenance services so please check out what we offer.
Our range of services include
DPF Regeneration
Pre-MOT Checks
MOT Work
Timing Belt / Chains
Damage Repairs
Diagnostics / Fault Finding
Alternator Replacement
Battery Replacement
Suspension and Drive Train
Engine and Gearbox Repairs/Rebuilds
Clutch Replacement
Coolant System
Leak Checking
Exhaust Replacement and Repair
Steering Components
Underbody Rust Remove and Rust Protection Services
Many other services are available, please contact us if its not listed here
Need help? Book for a time to suit your schedule
Taking your car to the garage can be time consuming and not cost effective. Handy Auto Services come directly to you, saving you time and money so contact us today!